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《台灣東南亞學刊》 Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 為國立暨南國際大學東南亞研究中心電子刊物。本刊歡迎有關東南亞的文學、哲學、歷史、社會、經濟、教育、政治 及外交等中英文學術論文之投稿;同時也接受對有關文獻或本刊所刊文章之評論 。
經刊載之著作,致送作者當期期刊電子檔。來稿請註明投稿類別 ,以 word 或 pdf 檔 寄電子郵件至cseas@mail.ncnu.edu.tw 。本刊預定出刊日期分別為每年的四月和十月。文稿詳細格式請參考本刊各期或上網查閱http://www.cseas.ncnu.edu.tw。

Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (TJSEAS) Submission Information 



The Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (TJSEAS) is a referred Journal published by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at National Chi Nan University, Taiwan. 


The TJSEAS is a humanities and social sciences journal to which papers on a broad range of perspectives on Southeast Asian Studies are welcomed. The publication categories include Research Article, Review Article, Research Note, Book Review, Social Issues Survey Report, and Commentary. 


The length of a research/review article and research note is 6,000-8,000 words. Please indicate the category on your paper and submit it to cseas@mail.ncnu.edu.tw


All submitted papers will be sent for blind review, except for the social issues survey report, book review and commentary. The review duration is around two to three months. The papers must be the original of the author and have not been published previously. 


Once the paper is published in the TJSEAS, it is not allowed to submit to other journals nor to reproduce without the permission of TJSEAS. The TJSEAS editorial board has the right to publish the accepted submissions in the forms of text, CD/DVD and/or electronic version. 
The TJSEAS editorial board will send an electronic version of the paper and one printed copy of the issue to the author upon the acceptance of publishing. The TJSEAS is a semi-annual journal, which is scheduled to publish every April and October.
All submissions must conform to the “Submission Guidelines” which are available upon request from the journal’s editorial board. For further details, please visit the website http://www.cseas.ncnu.edu.tw